Nikki Swain — Saskatchewan, Canada

Well, no surprise here at all I seen this ratchet ***** on here a couple of times over the last couple of months, and just let me say a few things that will describe this old friend of mine better. Seeing this rotten human being firsthand just lie and abuse people is only the beginning of it I use to come over and grab off her x and she would ask me to take her with his money to go gambling while she had her kid locked in a room like really how bout you get off your *** get your own money your own vehicle and take yourself gambling or better yet take your kid out for a walk maybe to the playground like really. And whenever I did have somewhat of an intelligent conversation with this printed out a rack of bones everything she told me was a fabricated lie like does she really think people believe or care about anything she says. I saw her x actually like 2 months ago after not being with her for a year and I must say holy **** what a difference he’s a completely changed person happy, back on his feet and successful, and most of all clean and sober which I highly doubt this degenerate is. De Oh yeah to top it off not only is she a liar she is also quite the rat I here ratting out dealers when she got caught stealing at wall mart with her kid for what the 3rd time so pathetic trust me coming from someone who has seen this disgusting useless human being firsthand don’t believe a word she says and don’t waste a minute, a dime or a breath on her.

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