Nikki Leigh Kerns – Canada

On the outside this girl appears to be a sweet mother of 3 and a successful business owner that does good helping children. She has probably never had a speeding ticket. Growing up in a religious family and attending Catholic school, you might think she learned something about integrity.

However, it’s all a front for the deep seeded liar and manipulator she is. She has cheated on everyone she has ever been with since high school. She lies often and thinks people acually believe her bullsh*t. The last 16 months she has been having her latest affair with an old fling from high school, Dustin S. Several times she met up with him for lunches while their significant others were working. At night, they would meet up and bar hop, often having ***, while his girlfriend was working late. He manipulated them both just the way he had with several affairs before. He contacted Nikki, asked her out for a drink and made her feel like the only woman on the planet. This went on for a whole year and while he was telling Nikki how much he loved her, he was also telling his girlfriend how much he loved HER, wanted to see her, missed her, wanted to fix things and didn’t want to give up on them. She walked away often, catching him in lie after lie after lie. But no matter how many times she walked away she always went back with hope when he said those sweet words and begged to see her. Deep down the girlfriend was madly in love with him and thought she could help him with his problem of lying and manipulating. From the very begining she wanted to give him the whole world. But he just could never stop lying, no matter the consequence or despite how many people it was hurting. Often he saw them both in the same day. After a while Nikki’s husband finally got fed up and moved out. Instantly Dustin was able to stop seeing his girlfriend but would still talk to her, making her feel guilty saying she gave up on them. Even though HE was the one in his relationship to cheat and lie almost daily. As soon as Nikki’s husband moved out, they instantly went on their long awaited weekend get away, with her still married. She fell for all of his lies and manipulation just as the girls before her did. And all this time, I wonder, did Nikki think about how her decisions would effect her 3 beautiful children as she hurt her own family and tried manipulating her husband?

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