Nikki Jameson (Dougherty) — Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

This trashy mother of two sleeps with married men. She entered into my friends marriage at a time she knew things were bad and totally made everything worse. My friends life was attacked by this sneaky hoe. She tried getting the husband to leave, however, he wouldnt. **** that didnt stop her from sleeping with the husband. oh no, she seen a man with money and a future step daddy for her kids she neglects. She wanted my friends life and wasnt willing to stop. My friend ended up asking her husband to leave the home before she even knew about the side girl. She felt something was wrong and went with her gut. Later, she found out about the girl in the worst way ever. Her daughters friends caught them in public together. From that point on, my friend was done and asked for divorce. The husband refused. See, even tho he was being a creep & sleeping around, he actually truly does love his wife. During the split, which was caused because of the girl, the husband kept the side piece around for ***. She was used, and I believe she knows that. She didnt care that she was the cause of a broken home. She didnt care the husbands life was flipped upside down. Nope, she only cared to keep the MARRIED COUPLE apart. She tried, hard, but nothing she did worked. She begged the husband to block the wife, she tried to get the husband to cut the wife off from money, the wife of 25 years, who was a houswife and mother of his child during thise 25 years. She basically tried to steal my friends life. This girl needs to be exposed for the trashy homewrecking pig that she is. My opinion, a classy respectable woman/mother doesnt go around sleeping with married men, wrecking homes, and destroying lives. She is a selfcentered idiot. She deserves to live her life alone, broke, and depressed. I take great comfort in knowing my friend and her husband are now better than they ever where before. In a situation like hers, Im glad to see my friend get her happy ever after. You see, this affair really opened the husbands eyes. He realized he never wants to risk losing his wife ever again. He is doing everything & anything to help repair their marriage. My friends deserves the best! Shes been threw **** & back. At a very young age, shes really faught her way to be the respectable, loving, caring, happy person she is. She’s truly faught her way threw every nightmare life has tossed at her, and the last thing she deserved was having her life under attack from this trashy piece of ****, Nikki. My girl is 1 **** of a person. It kills me to know what shes been forced to deal with all threw her life. From a mentally & physically abusive childhood, to being attacked, and now this? Im glad she finally has her happy ending. If anyone deserves it, its my friend. The girl strong enough to fight her way threw anything , all while keeping a smile on her face. So to the homewrecker who attacked my friends life, F*** you. I hope you live a long lonely life. I hope you never find love. I pray you are never able to use the word HAPPY to express your life for you do not deserve it. I hope you never get a happy ending. And I thank you. Your trashy ways helped a man see the value of being married to my girl. Helpes him to understand how selfish and wrong he has treated her. Helped him to want to become a better man for HER. Thank you for being trash, thank you for scaring the **** out of him by showing him the reality of possibly being stuck with trash like yourself, and possibly losing such an amazing woman like his wife. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you! You pushed him to be better for her. Turns out there is a reason for trash like you after all…

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