Nicole Slager — Elmhurst, Illinois

Well let me begin by saying I gave the hoe a year to file for divorce and now it is time to show the world who she really is. I ended up marring this girl and at the time she was playing this sweet Christian role which had me completely fooled. 2 months after the wedding she went to the Dr for a check up (epilepsy) and she told me that they said she was pre diabetic so she started going to the gy everyday after work … that turned into her coming home super later to not even being at home sometimes. Fast forward 7 months I used her phone while she was sleeping and at 2am my world came crashing. This total harlot was cheating on me the whole time and not only with 1 guy but with 3 guys. Her ex (un known) Mario who is your typical rude piece of trash and another guy named Sammie. So after finding this out I went into the bed room turned on the light and let the rage come out I tossed her phone on the bed NEXT to her. I then proceeded to yell to her to get her mother effin a$$ out of bed and start packing her ****. I ended up having my mom and my brother to come over just to make sure I didn’t loose it completely. So yeah in a nut shell she ended up STEALING a $1000 engagement ring, a mac laptop that I was letting her use at work, my brand new frying pan, 2 laundry baskets. The B even took my plunger !!! She got away with about $400 in cash that she never once offered to pay me back. And if that isn’t the icing on the cake she got into MY amazon and bought sexy lingerie that she had shipped to her condo and used with other men !!!! I ended up loosing my job of 5 years because of all of the stress. Lesson learned ! Nicole Marie Slager from Elmhurst, IL Is a monster ! FILE FORE DIVORCE NICOLE SLAGER !

2 thoughts on “Nicole Slager — Elmhurst, Illinois

  1. Just an Update to this story …. She was born in Illinois. She currently lives in Jacksonville, Florida . Still a Piece of white trash !!

  2. She took your plunger?!?! 😂🤣

    Um, yeah… she obviously needed it. From the size of her, I have no doubt this beast passes turds that forestand the girth of an erect stallion.

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