Nicole Michelle Nielsen — Kissimmee, Florida

She is single 34 year old that has no kids , that collects barbies and beanie babies . She pushed up and hit on her supervisor at work that was married with 2 very small children , that was going through martial trouble and struggles . She sent nude pics , offered ******** and ***. Did it in the car, parking lots, his family home. She has no shame , likes being called a ***** and **** while having ***, wants to dress up for a man that isn’t her, and numerous other acts.

She tried to convince him he was unhappy and that’s why he was messing with her. He told her that he loves his wife and will always try to work it out with her. That he would never be with her, told her she could see other people when she would be upset she had to go home to an empty home. She told him she loved him, bought him Nike shorts, food, lunch, let him borrow money. He told her she didn’t need to help or do those things and that he didn’t love her the same way.

When the wife found out she harassed him and her, even after they told her they were getting her money for her . She told the wife lies of other girls he supposedly slept with and she told the wife nasty things and accused the husband of saying nasty things about his wife. She constantly makes posts that are toward them or one of them. The wife pretended to be the husband to see if she still wanted him and would try to contact in future by just putting m y in an email , she responded miss you. The husband and wife laughed at her for thinking he actually missed her. The wife didn’t know how to stop the emails , and gave the husband the scissors to cut off communication. He did. The next day she’s making posts that he’s basically only got caught. She will try to ruin, destroy the family, career, and the husband if he don’t want to be with her. Be careful of this one. She has no shame and doesn’t feel any remorse for her actions at all. The husband is full of regret and remorse and taking all the heat he deserves as well. As for her she will never respect relationships and marriages. I hope she does one day or is taught her very own lesson when she marries the love of her life and another **** tries to move in and sleep with her man but much worse than what she did .

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