Nicole Jameson — Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

This is Nicole Jameson (Nikki) maiden name Dougherty. She is a SINGLE stay at home mother of 2. Her hobbied are sleep with married men & wrecking homes. She hears a married couple are having problems, so she sweeps in as a “friend” and then opens her legs. Totally taking advantage of a couple with typical marriage problems and turning the typical problems into MUCH bigger problems. She lives work free lifestyle. Im sure she fears the day her kids ssi checks will come to an end and she will be forced to work. Instead of getting a job and putting away her kids money for college, she uses it to live a jobless life. Guess you can say her kids pay for her hair and nails to be done, shopping at the mall, and drinking. Real Classy Stay At Mother, eh! So to anyone in the Pittsburgh area, watch out for this one! Hide yo husband, Hide yo life! She is lacking both, and lacks the morals & self respect to gain a good life the RIGHT way. But hey, I guess I cant expect a girl like her to understand anything about respect and morals. This is the same girl who brang my husband around her kids after only a couple weeks. If she cant respect her own kids, she certainly aint going to respect herself, let alone someone elses 20 year marriage!

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