Nicole Craney — Las Vegas, Nevada

Well first of all I want everyone that is reading this to know I am very angry with my husband, his actions make me sick to my stomach. With that being said this nasty wench that decided it was cool to give my husband a ******** while they were both on the job makes me disgusted. Im ****** the fu**off with her because she knew there was a MRS. and she also knew about our 4 children, she even called herself being there friend when they went to their fathers job. Thats what angers me the most this bit** was around my kids, and they are the ones hurt most by their selfish decision making. But to put the frosting on the cake the stupid, nasty, tramp tried to get me fired from my job…who does that. Nobody but a lonely evil stankho name Nicole. I HATE LONELY STANKHOS WHO DONT KNOW HOW TO SAY NO TO MARRIED MEN OR JUST DONT CARE…GET YOUR OWN!!

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