Nicole Chang — Dallas, Texas

Nicki or Nicole Chang is the biggest liar in all of texas. This girl claims she’s only ever slept with 2 guys, but she likes to show people pics of her with a unicorn ******** in her ***! She’s definitely slept with over 50 guys and is a stripper and sugar baby on the side. De she’s also bipolar with serious emotional issues and will threaten to hurt herself or kill herself if you try to leave her. She has a boyfriend but still goes behind his back sleeping with other guys for cash and even a grill or moped. She needs serious help since she started stripping in highschool after her dad died and needs to be medicated because she is a certified CRAZY. Mess with her at your own risk, you’ll find your life falling apart before you even know what hit you. Her head is way too big for her body and she’s a literal stick who still dresses like she’s in middle school. She will do anything to suk or *** the money out of your pockets. Also, can you believe this girl wants to be a doctor when she grows up? No way I would trust her to even hold a surgical instrument without threatening to hurt herself or someone else. She goes to UT Dallas and likes to pretend she’s too good to associate with anyone there. She’s a two-faced ***** and that’s why the only person who wants to hang out with her is her sister Debbie Chang who’s also a two-faced suicidal ***** and her loser fat boyfriend who’s too dumb to know any better.

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