Nick Poehlman – Wisconsin

Mentally Unstable. Unable to maintain anything without assistance. Has been institutionalize in a mental hospital and jail throughout adulthood and has never received the appropriate and adequate care necessary. Cognitively imparted from years of Alcohol and Cocaine abuse. Very slow! Has to attend AA and NA meetings along with mental health counseling for Manic Depression. The family allows him to believe what he wants in regards to his problems.

He, falsely, accuses people of doing things to him and will try to take the attention off himself as much as possible. If you don’t believe it, there is evidence you can go through to see what this Mental patient has done.

His starts “crazy-making games” provokes people, lies, plays mental minds, thinks it is hilarious when people get hurt and will inflict pain on people, and has been called a “psychopath” by people at the Post Office. His father’s employment.

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