Netflix — Debit Card Payment Declined

It’s very strange that my debit card payment has been processed today after being rejected by Netflix a few days ago for the first time in three years, despite the fact that the card is valid and all other payments on the card have been processed without issue. Two agents from the call centre insisted that the problem lay with the card and not with Netflix even though I went to my bank who informed me that there was no problem with the card and the problem was with Netflix’s payments process. I wonder how they would know this unless they had been contacted by other customers with the same issue! What is annoying is the fact that no effort was made to investigate the problem by the two agents. Instead, they refused to acknowledge there could be a problem with Netflix thereby investigating it further. They were happy to insist the problem was with the card or the issuing bank therefore skirting the issue. Whatever happened to “The customer is always right,” or at least giving your paying customers the benefit of the doubt? I was quite prepared to either let the account lapse or cancel it altogether as a measure of how unhappy I was with your “customer service.” A company’s revenue depends upon it’s customer base. I wonder how many of you actually care whether a customer cancels due to your unhelpful and ineffective service? Acknowledge that they might have a problem with their billing system and look into the problem instead of stonewalling their customers.

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