Negin Habibi Khameneh — Miami, Florida

This is Negin Habibi Khamenehthat operates at the University of Miami Hospital. She is initially from Toronto however escaped to Miami to leave her poor credibility with her guy **** partner. She contaminated fifty percent of the Toronto celebration scene with long-term DRDs, she contends the very least 300+ on her body matter as well as she is not also a functioning woman, simply a huge sloot that intends to spread her illness free of cost. She was additionally a severe Pepsi head. Her ex lover aimed to guide her far from the event life after they relocated however she did not intend to begin a brand-new life in Miami. She returned right into the Pepsi and also whoring about, checking out male strip clubs as well as taking the people residence, asking cash from her ex-spouse’s moms and dads behind his back to sustain her medication practice, attacked the person a number of times then called authorities on him attempting to obtain him secured, he was an individual good friend of mine as well as the quantity of marks this person had from this little lady boggled the mind … she actually places on an innocent act and also is a pathological phony. When you satisfy her you would certainly never ever think the sort of things that she rises to however the evil one inside her is actual. Beware due to the fact that she will certainly feed you MDMA as well as drug and afterwards make love with you in want to hand down her DRDs. All the at the same time she will certainly be sliding you tablets to make sure that you do not reveal signs like an actual psyhopath. She spoiled and also perhaps finished my friends life, after contaminating him as well as bankrupting him our team believe she paid somebody making him go away … No one not also the individuals household has actually spoken with him in a year, we are all questionable that he died from not having cash to deal with the DRDs after being required to survive on the road … *** Bless If you are not aiming to pass away of DRDs or mobsters prevent this crackpot in all expenses.

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