NBC — Too much Vegas dancing

I love The Voice. It is one of my favorite programs I look forward to each season. However, I am dismayed by some of the production numbers. This season, and particularly the finale had way too much distraction for the singers. By that, I am referring to the bad Vegas-style dancing that at times overshadowed the dancers. The roller skating took things over the top. I felt in some sets you did a Disservice to the singers. Just was over the top. I love dancing and I realize you are attempting to keep the show fresh. However, please do not lose sight of the fact that this is a singing competition. Keep the dancers to a minimum or off to the side. My neighbor told me she and her husband had to turn it off as it was just a turn-off. I am taking the time to write, as I care about the show a lot! Please consider what I have shared as you move into the next season.

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