NBC — Racist Woman Comments

Whoever that black woman you have on the sports caster team needs to be replaced. Her recent racist comment (6:30pm NBC Sports Channel, just before Sunday Night Football), about having more black quarterbacks and coaches was not only uneccesary but clearly racist as well. What the **** does skin color got to do with sports? If the man or woman is best qualified for the job, what difference does it make about hisher skin color? This woman is clearly racist and there is no room in the world of sports, or any other world, for racism…*** only knows we have too much of it already. We must not allow racism to worsen by allowing racist females do sports casting. You may respond to my complaint at: PLC1660@Yahoo.com. By severe counseling of the black, racist sports woman on NBC…(aired just before Sunday Night Football, 12-04-22).

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