NBC — Deceit

I have written before about the continued toxic commentary on unvaccinated people, to the point where I seriously questioned your loyalty to a greater number of those who chose differently and others who were unable to take the jab for various reasons. This has continued, along with the incessant lies about the statistics, the guidance, the facts and the continued censorship of debate or information available through those who work the front-lines, have written books and multiple peer reviewed articles. Your reporters used to do in depth studies about questionable stories, and now they simple repeat the establishment narrative and then give their unknowledgeable opinions. That is not news, nor is it informative, but rather propaganda. How long do you think a critical thinking audience will continue to listen to these untruths and daily drivel? I have stopped watching, as have many others I know. I was a healthcare worker for 45 years, have learned quite a bit about disease and treatment, recognize lies when I encounter them, and understand that bias in your organization will eventually be your undoing, as will most of the corporations such as yours who insist on selling out news for Big Pharma’s funding.

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