Nathaniel Peters — Calgary, Canada

Ivw had enough of waiting and now finally putting this a55hole on blast. This ***** is the worst person you’ll ever meet. He used to own multiple companies around Calgary and exploit his workers, not pay them at all, or blackmail them. But he now operates a clinic in C0chrane too where he continues to pollute further with his presence. He has a vile temper and likes to throw tantrums like a child over video games and when things don’t go his way. He uses women and often seeks out ones with kids or in a good job so he can use them for money. Alternatively he likes petite young girls or asians. I lived with this monster for a year and escaped barely from our home in bearspaw. He consistently cheats on everyone he dates and is an abusive, angry, piece of ****. He comes across as charming and even humble but don’t be fooled by this fat loser, he is everything but. He uses his daddy’s credit card to pay for everything he does and uses everyone around him for credit, appearance, and money. He will use and discard everyone eventually when his facade is up. He hated children and basically anyone who’s better looking than him. His only remaining friends left once they found out what he’s really like. He never owns up to anything and he belongs in JAIL. His daddy is probably paying his lawyers as we speak since he’s being sued constantly. If you see him online or around stay away you were warned. You may also hear about him on cold Case files soon.

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