Natasha Michele Powell — Silver City, California

Natasha Michele Powell is a nasty dirty skanky *** *****!!! Just like her mother Tanya Powell!!! Natasha has 5 kids from 3 different men she has been married twice before and she cheated on her first 2 husbands every chance she could. She had an affair with a married man when she worked at snappy mart in silver city. She learned how to be a ***** from the queen of all whores, her mother Tanya Powell. Tanya spent the better part of the 1980s getting ****** up down and sideways by every single man that frequented the Buffalo bar in the silver city New Mexico. Natasha Michele Powell is now married to a guy from Mexico Issac Luna he doesn’t speak a word of English so it is probably even easier for her to **** a lot of other men behind his back.

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