Natasha Alexander — Chatham, Canada

Hey De this little cvm dumpster is Natasha Alexander. She’s from Wallaceburg and ladies if you have a man stay far far away from this *****. She will act like she’s your friend and listen to you vent about your problems and then when you trust her she will go behind your back and start sleeping with your boyfriend. Then when she gets caught she will try and make excuses as to why she did it and when that doesn’t work she’ll somehow try and make it your fault. Then she will apologize and tell you how sorry she is just so she can get her foot back in the door. Then she’ll *** him again. If he’s not single she don’t want him. She’s also a meth head. Try’s to play it off like she’s not but everyone knows. She likes to throw shade around talking **** about women who lost their kids because of drama she started yet she thinks that no one will take her daughter because she claims she called CAS on herself and tricked them into thinking she doesn’t so drugs or have 4-5 different guys coming in and out of her house. She’s a home wrecker and she’s dirty as ***. Her crotch smells, like it’s so bad you can smell her when she stands near you. Watch out De she’s a stalker too.

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