Mykah Hansen Travis — Anderson, South Carolina

On my wedding day, I discovered Mykah Hansen Travis (originally from Utah) in the house I paid for with my fiance Brock Goodling (originally from Pennsylvania). She ran to the master closet to put his clothes on while he ran to the guest room (where the bed was), got dressed and hid their clothes (AND THE BUDGET THEY MADE FOR THEIR LIFE TOGETHER) in the closet. When I found her in the closet, she told me to get out… of my house.

My mom called her a h*e, she nodded in agreement, and then said her MARRIAGE with her husband was “over.” This girl proceeded to smirk and make comments to me then tried to make a run for it when she realized I was videoing her, calling their boss (Oh I forgot to mention they work together AND she and her husband played on a work co-ed softball team with me and my fiance AND WERE INVITED TO THE WEDDING). Fast forward like four days and the girl posts her cover photo on facebook to be a Bible verse, tells me the affair had been going on for over a MONTH physically and “too long” emotionally. She used some religious jargon (she is Mormon but sure didn’t care about her religion while COMMITTING ADULTERY) and gave some ridiculously insincere apology. I returned her clothing including her bra (she must’ve managed to grab her panties before going home) to her work promptly that Monday morning and made sure to snap a picture outside… She wasn’t there because she called out for a week before returning and acting like a victim to everyone in the branch… She dyed her hair from blonde to black (I’m assuming as a disguise since I told everyone what she did). I ran into her for the first time in December and this girl told me “this was hard on all of us…” and I quickly corrected her because SHE CHOSE to do what she did and she had the nerve to smile and wave at me when she saw me in the restaurant. She has no sense of morality, no sense of remorse, and is one of the nastiest human beings I have ever encountered. She can act all day like she is a great wife with a great marriage and SO religious, but she throws herself at everyone, acts like a bimbo (because she is one), and wears clothes that don’t half cover her **** to work. This girl throws herself at EVERYONE, but was realllll quick to stay with her husband after being found out (and I guess realizing that my now ex-fiance couldn’t financially support her the way her husband could). DON’T WORRY, they didn’t get into trouble at their work (even though EVERYONE knows what they did) and they are both still happily employed at TD Bank in Anderson, SC. Oh, and she sells lipsense… that stuff won’t come off no matter who you do… #alldaylipsbymykah #mistress

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