Mrs Pawula – Chicago, Illinois

Meet Mrs Pawula. An ex reality star contestant and aging River North bang-piece with a novel angle. Late at night you will find her competing with women 15 years younger for club douches in any Chicago establishment that attracts monied men. She pretends to be a real estate agent, though her @properties page containing 13 total real estate transactions after many, many years in business contradicts this story. With a failed career, and unable to trick any rich man into sponsoring her late 30’s party-girl lifestyle for more than a few weeks at a time, most River North sloots would retire quietly to chase the 65+ crowd in Niles. Not Jeannette. (*** Bless her spirit!) Instead, she’s innovated a BRILLIANT golddigger angle: starting a charity. Who said golddiggers aren’t smart? Some noteworthy figures from her 501c3 filings: 1) raised $113 thousand in 2016 for “Street Kids” *cough *cough 2) Jeannette spends $20 thousand of that total throwing parties for herself and her friends. 3) Jeannette hands around $20 thousand to the organizations that actually support Street Kids. This is more than enough to bribe despondent children to take Instagram pictures w her for marketing purposes. 4) Jeannette pays herself over $63 thousand in benefits per year! (Champagne, dresses, and girls nights out don’t come cheap, ya’ll). So I ask you, is Jeannette a terrible philanthropist? Or a Brilliant Gold-Digger?

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