Monique Cruz- Apodaca — Denver, Colorado

We will start with this FAT *** UGLY MAN LOOKING ***** MOO MOO 🐮 talks **** about EVERYONE first thing first don’t TRUST her she will *** you like the sick stinky ***** *** ***** she is trap you then put you on child support like she does all her baby daddies not for her kids so her lazy *** don’t have to work! Watch out ladies she don’t give a *** she is the definition of a home wrecker! She has been caught red handed with a married man in his home and ran like a ***** several times. She lives off the government does drugs, steals and claims to be the best mother to her kids. She has had so many abortions she lost count. Don’t let her Facebook or Instagram profile pictures fool you she was on drugs in those pictures which is why she is smaller and has a nerve to talk about how people use a filter she filtering her body 🌚 she is about four times that size in real life pushing close to 250-300lbs She claims to have everything now how do you have it all when you never worked a day in your stupid life? She has a big *** mouth with how much she runs it you would think her fat *** would be skinny don’t let her slick mouth scare you because she is far from down she has never fought a day in her life but against her abusive *** men. She has been married close to 10 Times and brags about it ***** ***** can you keep a man loose stinky *** ***** *****!! In high school her breath always smelled like stinky **** suking **** since she was high school home wrecking since then just to get a high. She lives disgusting and claims to have her own business cleaning. She should start with her own home. Don’t set her up with your brother or cousin or friend SHE WILL EMBARRASS YOU or put them in prison because they only wanna *** her nasty ***.

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