Monika Scott Glennon — Huntsville, Alabama

Monika “Nika” Glennon was recommended to my husband and I as a “reputable” realtor when we were new to Huntsville, Alabama and were looking to buy a home. My husbands job relocated us to North Alabama. Monika works for a large local realtor branch. My husband and I initially met with her to go over our specific needs/wants and budget of our prospective new home. De we rented an apartment and enrolled our two children in school while we house hunted. Monika showed us around 8-10 homes and while we still had not found the perfect house for us, we were pleased she was working so hard to help us find our home. In the meantime, I found a job and was settling into my responsibilities there. We had a last minute appointment with Monika to show us a house that was for sale but had not yet been put on the market. There was a glitch at work for me and I could not get away. I called my husband and told him to go ahead and view the house, as I could not get away. He said he would take plenty of pictures. I didn’t give it another thought. The problem at work was fixed sooner than I expected, and when I looked at the clock, I realized I could still make the showing if I hurried. I arrived at the home and went to the front door. I saw my husband’s car, and Monika’s car out front so I knew they were there. The door was unlocked. As I entered the home I wandered around the first floor making notes about the granite counter tops in the kitchen, the gas stove, gas fire place, etc…..All of that probably took five minutes. I figured they were in the backyard. I went upstairs with pen and phone in hand, making notes and taking pictures to refer to later. When I walked into the master bedroom my heart stopped. There on the plush, white carpet was my husband and our realtor, Monika “Nika” Scott Glennon. I was frozen for a moment. My feet felt like lead weights. They didn’t even notice me standing there as my husband pulled out/pushed her off and ********** all over her chest and face. I immediately composed myself and started snapping pictures of both of them naked and obviously engaging in intercourse. Then I started screaming. I honestly can’t remember what I was screaming…I was so upset. I’m sure it was a string of expletives. I got pictures on my phone of her and my husband completely naked, with her on top, riding him.Then, more of them both in various stages of putting their clothes back on as well. I just got out of there as quickly as possible after that. I know she thought I was going to call her boss and try to get her fired, but I didn’t. I didn’t for the following reasons: Monika “Nika” Scott Glennon had no obligation to me. I was nobody to her. It was my husband who had a commitment to me, to our children. He married ME. He took vows to be my husband and to forsake all others. HE WAS THE PROBLEM in this scenario. If HE had not been willing to cheat on me, SHE wouldn’t have been riding him. Don’t get me wrong. She knew he was married. She was a nasty **** who didn’t care. She was guilty of being a disgusting ***** of a woman, one who will go after your husband if she finds him attractive. (I believe she is married as well) The pictures I snapped sealed the fate of this situation. I made my husband move out. I met with an attorney the next week and filed for divorce. The pictures I took of them made my divorce go very well for me. I got EVERYTHING!!! I got every dime of the sale (equity) of our previous home. I got child support, and alimony too. I didn’t just get even, I got it ALL!!!!!! Lowdown, sorry *** husband. I’m posting this because I want to warn other women about this “woman” and encourage you to stay away from her. DO NOT USE THIS WOMAN AS A REALTOR. (Monika Scott Glennon) She’s a person without remorse or moral compass. She is the enemy of decent women everywhere. But, I’ve come out better than okay. My divorce was final two months ago. I just bought a nice home for me and our children. I’m going to be just fine. I WANT TO THANK THE CREATORS OF this site. You are providing a platform for women to come together, and to comfort and warn each other about women like Monika “Nika” Scott Glennon. Love to you ladies.

Monika Scott Glennon
Agent with Re/Max Alliance
Office Phone
(256) 799-2999
Fax (256) 799-2998
(256) 665-8772

21 thoughts on “Monika Scott Glennon — Huntsville, Alabama

  1. Whoever wrote this sounds like a little ***** who has a sad life. go play in traffic. Apparently she is coming after you as well so you are about to be found out. She can find who wrote this per your IP and a little investigation which she is doing so….your screwed. You better hope it was actually true or you are gonna have a slander or defamation charge on u. Good luck chump.

  2. 2 things to point out on this. This person would have used at least a first name throwing out this kind of slander and also I think its a guy from the language and sentencing he used. He has either seen something in real life OR even just online that he does not like about her. There is no telling what that is but there is hatred for sure. Bottom line is that whoever wrote this will 100% be found out. This has affected her life and work and so whoever did it will be shelling out lots of money. Regardless once you are found out your life as well will be flipped upside down. Your name, address, and phone numbers will be out there just like hers is. Get ready….**** is coming.

  3. Avoid Monika Scott Glennon at all costs. Thinks the most perfect little thing out there. She cannot accept responsibility for anything she does wrong.

  4. “Not A Pretty Women”…gee, do you think. This women has a bad case of the “uglies.” Can you imagine what the poster looks like?…Loser.

  5. Woopwoopolicecoming4ya – thank you for your support – you pretty much got this all figure out. Right on! Mary Allbright – Although you try to come across as someone who knows me – you pure lack of knowing my actual name is an obvious hint that you have never crossed paths with me. You sound more like a this one lady that seems to follow every story that has been written about me and doing her best to discredit me in spite of lack the information to actually affect me and my family. You really need to find a new obsession.I never had a doubt that a news story will bring weirdos out. Eric Douglas – you are right – the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But I have only had eyes for one guys in the last 26 years – my husband – and his opinion is all that matters to me. I have no doubt your pick of a woman might be much better looking than me and I will be happy for you! John – How could she/he kicked the husband out? The story is completely fabricated…..There is not such a family. The only family that has suffered, including my adult children, is MINE. It is really that simple. To all – this post has remained here for the last 10 mos – I have never commented. And never will again. But I do grasp the fact that this is the only post remaining and the only place you all feel you can comment. I have always made myself available to any question you might have. I do not coward and do not hide behind the anonymity or a computer screen. You have a question – no matter how personal. I will answer it. Contact me at….Obviously – my contact info has never been a secret.

  6. Dear BadBizReport I have tried to contact you about a post that i posted about my ex husband and realtor that sleep with my husband and there is no contact on your website, so please dont post this comment, I am leaving this comment to reach out to you. I wrote something derogatory about my ex husband and realtor and it was very true and the married woman he is sleeping with now. I did this bc I was very angry, hurt and rejected. I did this anonymously and i used a proxy. does your website will it pick up my real IP address or will it show as a proxy?Now i regret it and wish i would never have done it. i dont want to be discovered bc this makes me look ridiculous. I found out that Monika discovered it and now Monika is having it investigated to find the author. Can she get a subpoena to find my IP address? and if so would I be informed by my Internet provider if this was happening? Can they find out who I am?

  7. I’m sorry to hear that this happened. It looks like this website posted this as comment by accident, I dont thank the mods of this website reads these comments because you asked them not to publish it and they did any ways.

    The site is registered to a third party private domain registration service, so first, they need to find out who even owns it and where they are located. Then, if the owners aren’t in the United States, they’re not likely to give much attention to a subpeona from a US court. They could, however, subpeona your web history directly from your internet provider (assuming your provider has those records – you might want to call and ask someone what data they store and for how long). They do not have to notify you if they receive a subpeona for your account records, although they might do it, anyway. Honestly, if you were writing on this website and other websites about cheating, and you posted about the man who cheated on you and the person he cheated with, it probably isn’t a big leap for them to figure out who made the post. So, chances are that they already have a good idea it was you. That means there’s a good chance they will try to get information from your internet provider (assuming they even know who that is).

    Also note that there is a difference between a derogatory statement and an actionable statement. Even if they can prove that you made the statement, whether they can do anything depends on what you said. If you said “My ex husband had an affair with a married woman,” and he did, that’s protected speech under the first amendment. A person is allowed to speak the truth and is allowed to speak an opinion.

  8. HolyShit, Photos of Monika and dude she had *** with has now been exposed on line, and womans husband that Monika sleep with is now exposing himself and his wife information they both our now fighting. There is a video on youtube just got done watching it. its Monika and the guy she was ******* looks just like forrest gump. So Monika you are liar because i just got done watching the video on youtube, it shows you ******* this guy and just looked at all photos and its was you in the photos. your husband is going to be ****** of at you because you lied to all of us

  9. Man I just got done watching the video of the man and Monika. Man she’s is really getting the **** ****** out of her *** literally. As soon as my wife goes to bed i am going to go to my study and watch the video again as I jack off to it. I wonder if Monika is bisexual because my wife has always wanted to give having *** with me and a another lady a try and it will be a dream come true for both my wife and me.

  10. Whats the big deal about what this man and Monika was doing. Thia type of thing happens everyday. Judges and Lawyers screw each other everyday.I mean what man would not jump at a once in a life time to bang the **** out of a pretty woman, if the man is married or not. I know I would if it was me in that situation.

  11. Oh my *** I just got done watching this video, and I wonder if the husband has seen it yet? He seemed like he was having the time of his life while ******** Monika. I bet if the opportunity was to come available to Monika she would have had a second guy doing the other opening in a three some.


  13. Someone seems to have a lot of spare time on their hands by posting most of these comments under different names ( all within minutes of each other)The story is completely fabricated, hence there never was any pictures nor video. “Please help me” post…If you are the person who started this and now you are seeking advice – yes – you should be scared. I will find you. Yes Barbara is right – unfortunately for you – you will not enjoy the protected speech. Law punishes lairs – it does not protect them.

  14. I called for an appointment, asked for Monika Scott Glennon, asked for the special treatment and was disconnected. How in the world are they going to sell houses if they keep disconnecting their potential customers?

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