Monica Schildnecht — Louisville, Kentucky

I been with him for 13 years with ups and downs of course as any marriage. I thought we would be together for life and work through our issues, but he ends up meeting this chick on Xbox live and moving down there with her. He tells me he’s done with our marriage, he has to do what’s best for him. He claimed he wasn’t leaving me for anyone else but he’s leaving because of our issues. He says I never know he might be back, but I told him he wasn’t coming back, he’s like you don’t know. That makes no sense though why leave if you might come back. Anyway since he’s been gone he’s been tracking my phone to see where I am and even asked someone if they knew where I was. I don’t understand him and how she was able to convince him to leave a 13 year relationship with kids and grandkids that look to him. He hasn’t even checked on them. I always felt he would leave me for a younger model. She’s 26. I still love him and don’t know how to move on. Before he left he gave a kiss as I asked and tried to hug me but I pulled away because it was too much. He kept trying to pull me back saying he just needs me to be strong. Before I asked for the kiss I told him I loved him and he said if I love him then I’d get myself together so that if/when he came back we’d be OK. He tells his mom he said harsh things to me and if he had to leave me for me to get myself together than that’s what he’s going to do. He’s afraid to wake up one day and I’m not breathing. I still think he’s with this other chick but I don’t have the time to drive there and see cuz I’d just wait and watch to see just what’s going on. I wish I had someone who lived there to check. I find it coincidence that she lives where he went, yes he has several other Xbox friends who live there too but I just feel it. He’s confusing to me cuz he makes it seem like there’s still hope but idk. I just want him to realize what he had and the grass ain’t greener on the other side and come back to work on our issues.

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