Mo McShane Chrest — Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania

Dont’ let this woman fool you. There is an inverse relationship between how religious someone is and how they truly are as a person. As far as I’m concerned, the extent of her Catholicism is her preference for the missionary position. She may have served in volunteer positions and donates token amounts of money, but this is all done in the name of trying to seem like a good person to the outside world to make up for her transgressions, past and present. From stabbing her friend in the back by making fun of her abortion, to having second thoughts about her own kids to being an adulterer, it is no wonder she’s known as an aweful friend, terrible mother and even worse wife! When I was sick, she knowingly cozied up to my husband and ****** him despite having a husband and children of her own. Sadly, I found out that she has done this before. I hope she holds her rosary tight for taking advantage of the sick with no compassion, she will need it! Lesson 101 of Catholic school: *** doesn’t take lightly to cardinal sins.

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