Misty J Coone — Charlotte, North Carolina

This chick right here doesn’t give a *** about anything other than dope. She lost her kid due to the dope and she’s allowed 5 is it a year but he doesn’t utilize them because she’s too worried about chasing the dragon. She’ll do whatever and say whatever she needs to but whenever all of your cash is deflated and you can’t buy her anymore meth, it’s on! Show f*** anybody man, woman, dog, the tree as long as it means she gets high afterward. She’s a master manipulator. And she is disgusting she literally only sleeps all day long unless she’s out ******** to get dope. Janet cleans up after herself she doesn’t bathe for days on end to the point where her ***** STINKS and she will comment on it but won’t do anything about it or clean her nasty self up. The only skills she has been rolling bowls and riding *****.

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