Mischa Pizzolato Mury — Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Mischa Pizzolato Mury is a habitual cheating HOMEWRECKER who’s own children don’t even want to claim her! An ex-girlfriend of my husband’s from 25 yrs+ ago. They ran into each other at the grocery store (while he was shopping for his WIFE and DAUGHTER mind you) which lead to emails of “you’re the only man I ever loved and I miss you.” Funny, she cheated on him while they dated, cheated on her husband of years for the boyfriend she has now and is NOW professing her undying love for my husband of 20 yrs. Her own son says she always leaves them for a MAN – disgusting. JOKES on you Mischa, my husband wants nothing to do with your trashy a**!! He’s sobbing tears trying to save this marriage! Beware of this girl – she comes across as sweet and innocent, but is truly just pure trash. Oh, and btw – she likes threesomes according to her boyfriend.

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