Miranda Ohare — Ottawa, Canada

This nasty bi%#% posts naked pics all over Instagram and online, selling herself and her nasty long hot dog bun looking a*5. She is hideous and actually thinks she’s hot and people want her, when it’s just desperate old/ugly dudes that pay her for her wrinkly a55hole and saggy a*5 and b***s. She brags about all that nasty s**t and flaunts herself , she has no self respect and has a filthy place, and permanently dirty feet 😂😂. She’s the biggest poser alive, and dresses like a blind ped**phile. Her kid is just as hideous as her, and has dirty nappy hair like her. She is a dru*gy and loses weight by barely eating and dr**gs. I hope this girl gets the coronavirus and croaks. No one wants to see your nasty wrinkly saggy nudes, and ugly cheap looking tatts. You’re used up.

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