Milton Guarderas Eunice Music scammer

Milton Guarderas cheated on his wife with Eunice Wong The wife is still getting their bills after 3 months. They are wanted in Vienna for driving with no driving lisence, driving with no car insurance and parking in a handicapped parking space. They are wanted in Prague/Czech Republic for speeding, driving with no lisence and driving with no car insurance. On top of that the wife get now the bill for their towed car from Berlin and the bill for their rental car. But happy vroom vrooming …both are scammers. still posing on the Ferrari, having no clue that the car is not insured and the wife has to deal with paiing their tickets. Either Milton Guarderas or have absolutely no shame. Milton Guarderas just cuts clients off and not paiing back peoples money. Both live of other people’s hard earned money. But happy Vrooming

3 thoughts on “Milton Guarderas Eunice Music scammer

  1. Milton moved into his wife’s apartment in Germany. She worked and covered all the bills. He leeched of a single mom for one and a half years. She even paid his phone bill. He drove her car and chrashed it. He convinced his wife to pay the rest of her salary into Bitcoin, to save money for the family. He was financially controlling. If the wife did not give him her money, he became verbally abusive towards his wife or pushed her against walls or slapped her face. The wife had no access to her own money. Then he told her to move and to quit her job, from now on he will pay the bills. He conned her out of another 20 k to buy more bitcoin, paid from her dispocredit. At the beginning the wife bought a whole Bitcoin for her daughter as an investment. She paid 10 k to Milton, so he can manage the daughters savings to make a profit, for the six year old‘s future. His wife asked him for the payout, for her own money, he got mad and beat her up in the bathroom. Because she wanted her own money out of his account. Then the family was supposed to go on vacation to Puerto Rico. With an excuse Milton told his wife he will fly 2 days ahead of them, to check out the area, if it’s save. While back at home the wife took care of everything. The daughter and her got the covid test to fly out , just to figured out Milton never bought the tickets to Puerto Rico. The wife could not do nothing, because he has all her money in his crypto accounts. I’m Puerto Rico he already cheated with On June 26th he came home and moved out in 6 hours. He said I go back to New York and he will sent money. So he cheated on his own family, took the kids and wife’s own savings and left. He said 3 times he will sent her savings and the daughters Bitcoin, he never sent their savings. Instead he travels with his new gf the world, off the kids and wife’s money. He also is a scammer investor and stole other’s people’s funds. Verbally and physically abused his wife, he is the biggest coward ever. Left his family 20 k in dept. He travels with through Europe. They sent the rental car bill to the wife, they sent the towed car bill to the wife, the wife gets all the tickets. She needs to see how to pay of the dept, he left his family with. Moved the wife to an area where are no close by jobs. Took the families money and left. He is the biggest coward ever. Leaving the family broke and in dept. Conned his own family and left with the wife’s and kids savings. A married man, Beat up his own wife, runs with the funds and leaves the people who took him in their home, just to use them.

  2. Milton moved into his wife’s apartment in Germany. She worked and covered all the bills. He leeched of a single mom for one and a half years. She even paid his phone bill. He drove her car and chrashed it. He convinced his wife to pay the rest of her salary into Bitcoin, to save money for the family. He was financially controlling. If the wife did not give him her money, he became verbally abusive towards his wife or pushed her against walls or slapped her face. The wife had no access to her own money. Then he told her to move and to quit her job, from now on he will pay the bills. He conned her out of another 20 k to buy more bitcoin, paid from her dispocredit. At the beginning the wife bought a whole Bitcoin for her daughter as an investment. She paid 10 k to Milton, so he can manage the daughters savings to make a profit, for the six year old‘s future. His wife asked him for the payout, for her own money, he got mad and beat her up in the bathroom. Because she wanted her own money out of his account. Then the family was supposed to go on vacation to Puerto Rico. With an excuse Milton told his wife he will fly 2 days ahead of them, to check out the area, if it’s save. While back at home the wife took care of everything. The daughter and her got the covid test to fly out , just to figured out Milton never bought the tickets to Puerto Rico. The wife could not do nothing, because he has all her money in his crypto accounts. I’m Puerto Rico he already cheated with On June 26th he came home and moved out in 6 hours. He said I go back to New York and he will sent money. So he cheated on his own family, took the kids and wife’s own savings and left. He said 3 times he will sent her savings and the daughters Bitcoin, he never sent their savings. Instead he travels with his new gf the world, off the kids and wife’s money. He also is a scammer investor and stole other’s people’s funds. Verbally and physically abused his wife, he is the biggest coward ever. Left his family 20 k in dept. He travels with through Europe. They sent the rental car bill to the wife, they sent the towed car bill to the wife, the wife gets all the tickets. She needs to see how to pay of the dept, he left his family with. Moved the wife to an area where are no close by jobs. Took the families money and left. He is the biggest coward ever. Leaving the family broke and in dept. Conned his own family and left with the wife’s and kids savings. A married man, Beat up his own wife, runs with the funds and leaves the people who took him in their home, just to use them.

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