Mikki McLendon — Pensacola, Florida

This woman has been married 4 times. Come to find out from *** ex, it was due to her infidelity. She lines 2 lines while married. She made a climate control storage unit for a place to meet goys and have *** with them. She was messing with a married man and she was married as well. Her husband had stage 4 cancer and while sick in bed, she was calling guys and setting up meetings. She’s after money only. She will try and take it all during a divorce (and hide hers). She’ll act like she’s miss goody good shoes but she’s a *****. She was recorded by her ex husband calling 2 separate guys in a 24 hour period. While he was gone to a meeting out of town. She use to strip back when she was younger. She is a compulsive liar and very good at it. She’ll always have a separate phone line that she will keep from you so she can keep in touch with all her guy friends. Use “Spokeo.com°. This is a great site that will give you all the information. MI the places lined, phone numbers associated to her, websites she’s on. It’ll show 3 husbands because she didn’t take her last husband’s name. When she’s done with you, you’ll never know it. She’ll have you served with a protection order so you will get kicked out of the house and can’t communicate with her. This is her coward way. She’s 51 and lines in Pensacola/Gulf Breeze Florida. Married 4 times and will not speak to any of her existing ex’s so this should tell you something. If you feel you’re number 5 and she won’t do that to you, have a prenuptial signed. She’s not going to sign it. De Ask her to see her Facebook and other messenger stuff. and look around on her phone. She’ll freak. She will also dig through all your stuff as well. Because she cheats, she feels you are too. She was cheating on her husband with a married man and cheating on him with another local and the cheating with another that lines out of state at the same time. She would tell him ( Out of towner) let her know when he goes to south Florida and she’ll just tell everyone she’s going to visit her mom in Tampa. She lopes to party but yet she’s going to act like she doesn’t. She’s going to hold out on you having *** at the beginning to make you think she’s a good girl and not give you *** for about a month. (Maybe a little sooner) clou’re going to think she’s a wholesome woman but then all she did was draw you in. Bet your *** she’s bagging someone anyway. But if you make good money, she’s going to get closest to you. She’ll marry you and try and figure out how much she can get. Get a prenuptial. 4 marriages that ended on her infidelity every time. She got caught by husband number 2 within 6 months. So go party, have fun. She’s great for that. She’ll take it all I:puff if you know what I mean ( front and back). Good luck. She’s fun but don’t let it go further than that. cloy betting a divorce is inevitable. Good luck. I wish these platforms were earlier.

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