Mike Schlosser — Cape Coral, Florida

This is a picture of Mike Schlosser and my now ex-wife Stephanie. This guy met my ex while he was taking classes at Florida Gulf Coast University where she works. This initial meeting took place several years ago. I remember a few years back Mike’s wife confronted Stephanie through Facebook questioning the relationship and Stephanie had me assured that they were nothing more than friends. I then commented back to Mike’s wife that they were just friends and I knew of their relationship and it was harmless what a fool was I. Mike has carried on an affair with Stephanie for several years. He turned my ones loving wife into a woman that we know longer recognize. Mike’s wife was recently in jail for a period of time and during this time Mike allowed Stephanie into his home into his bed and around his teenage son and other children. Mike and Stephanie went out of town leaving the teenage son alone for several days over different weekends. I have never met Mike’s wife and I have heard stories but I am sure she cannot be as bad as Stephanie makes her out to be. I have seen pictures of her and she is quite the looker. from what I understand Mike has cheated on his wife over and over again. I wonder how many times he’s already cheated on Stephanie. My now ex-wife has turned from a loving caring woman into a woman that’s nasty and vindictive. Mike took my wife away from me and he ruined my family. My marriage to Stephanie may not have been a storybook marriage I am a disabled vet and I do have some disabilities which she started to use against me. But that does not give her the latitude to start an affair with another married man. Someone has posted a little write up about my ex on the website she’s a homewrecker which I am actually getting a good laugh out of. Some of the comments did not surprise me and I’m sure their trip. Someone has posted a little write up about my ex on the website she’s a homewrecker which I am actually getting a good laugh out of. Some of the comments did not surprise me and I’m sure it’s all true. Stephanie has brought Mike into our home and our bed. I already know that she was in his bed that he shares with his wife who he goes home to every night. Once Mike’s money runs out she will move onto the next person. she needs someone to take care of her and likes taking advantage of someone who will spend money on her. Mike is a fool along with being a cheater he’s in for a rude awakening and when it comes to the wrath of Stephanie. Mike is now a retired cop who retired so he wouldn’t get fired. Mike was also in jail. Mike took my once a loving wife and turned her into a woman that is unrecognizable. Mike has ruined my family I am sure he is ruining his own family. Mike is a cheat. Mike is a liar. Mike cannot be trusted. I can only hope that no other woman falls prey to this horrible excuse of a man. I may not be a perfect man husband and father but I would never bring another woman into my bed that I share with my wife.

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