Mike Frison — East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

BEWARE of this ******, This ****** is Player. This lie-in *** cheating ****** will make you sick constantly cheating on women trying to have his cake and eat it too and when he gets caught he wants to get mat at you and try to cuss you out or he will boohoo and say he didn’t mean it and lies about how many times he cheated. He will say it was only once when in reality it was numerous times he doesn’t give a **** about anybody but himself please don’t waste your time with this piece of ****. De Don’t waste your time by messing with him he is no good doesn’t care about anybody but himself and says he tries to do better by not cheating and be faithful but he’s a liar he couldn’t be faithful if he tried it’s in his nature that he just has to cheat it’s in his blood. But when somebody cheats on his *** or doesn’t want to be with him anymore then he will start calling them bad names like she is **** ***** **** ***** and many more anyways his His **** Smells Funky. So please don’t waste any of your time on this piece of ****

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