Michelle Whitmer — Virginia

This ***** popped back into my life again after 34 years. My husband knew her from our High School years, she was obsessed with him then, when me and him were going out in those days she was always threatening to kick my ***. Back in December of 2017,my husband and I started having a lot of issues, my husband also had just lost his dear mother and his depression caused our financial problems at that time. One day he reached out to her because his cousin was in the hospital that she worked at, .so she gave him his medical situation against him knowledge, from there they started chatting and he told her that he was leaving me. So for a month I thought .my marriage of 24 years was coming to an end, however when our youngest grandson was born we started working on our marriage, but right before this, he was looking at houses on line. told her about this, all the sudden her boo hoo problems of her marriage were coming out, that her hard working husband of 28 years was supposedly only bringing home $800 a month, that he was beating the **** out of her, her son was beating her and begged my husband to move in with him he said sure LMAO, well she was down right serious and he wasn’t going to live w someone after leaving at the time a 24 yr marriage. Soon after she started telling my husband how gorgeous he was, how amazing he was, ya know grooming him in, then she proceeded to tell my husband that she was in love with him and always had been, that my husband was her true soul mate??!!! Well that scared me **** out of him, and he knew this was no longer just a friendly relationship, so he started backing off from her, never acknowledged her feelings, when someone cant say I love you back, umm hello. I know I saw this for my own 2 eyes. So the longer he didn’t respond she was trying to get a hold of him, he got scared she was personally going to tell me that they were talking and that he told her he was leaving me, he also knew her bullying ways never changed since high school days. She also threatened to just show up, so yeah he would respond to her text messages. In July of 2018 my then 17 year old daughter found a text message from her out of the blue, of Hey babe, I have been thinking of you, I miss you, and I am so lonely tonight. So the cat was out of the bag, we talked all night into the next morning. After being married so long and being best friends with my husband. I also know that he was so depressed at that time, he was so ashamed to hurt me, the thing is its easy for anyone to get flattered and then when the love word was thrown his way, he honestly thought if he stopped talking to her she would take his silent pauses of communication for face value, but she would not. So I contacted her husband and told him what i discovered and he should check his wife’s phone, but she called me because I gave her husband my number i told her she was like a bad burp that kept repeating itself, she of course ya know eff you, *****, ya know threatening me and of course hung up on me. The next day i get on Facebook work account and I see her sister starting nonsense bs on there. Then the next day i am getting text messages from her friends of course, with stupid messages that she was confessing her love, my husband blocked every number, fb acct ect, wouldn’t ya know she created another account i found automatically, he blocked that, two weeks later she called him from a friend’s phone and she was hey its Michelle, click. He hung up on her instantly, shouldn’t that tell ya, he doesn’t want NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU? Well in November of that year she had her sister befriend my husband’s nephew, so he called him and told him to delete and block her and she was a crazy *** stalker. Now in January of 2019 people almost a whole year of being blocked, that would be enough for most, nope she actually spent money ya know her poor husbands money on a burner phone and burner numbers, reaching out to wish my husband’ a Happy New Year, when he asked who it was, they said a family member, he said i don’t have family in Colorado, they said friends, then they proceeded to pretty much beg him to tell Michelle he doesn’t want anything to do with her, umm his actions obviously weren’t enough, so she could ya know move on with i guess her poor abusive husband, his response was to leave us alone. Then 3 weeks later as i am with my husband and at my very sick dather, she was texting him did we get you in trouble with your wife , becausr back on New years i responded to her, w i don’t owe you anything, but i will make sure i pass this along to your husband. I guess she gets her ******** through getting me ****** off?! Well I am here to tell you, that she still has her sister creating new Facebook accounts to try and get a hold of me and writing belittling **** on my Facebook. I am the innocent person, so my husband finally called her, told her one more time she or her psychotic sister Cheryl Samples reached out to me again, he was getting an Emergency Restraining Order. Well she pretty much told him, if your wife keeps up posting ya know her private stuff on my Facebook account then her and her sister were coming for me. so I may end up needing my Restraining Order? I am the innocent person, you dumb ***, you and your sister Cheryl Samples. Heres a warning to anyone that she gets involved with, I guess these 2 are a package deal?

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