Michelle Westerdale — Moline, Illinois

Michelle Westerdale, mother of 3 tries and fails to start affairs with married men. She mistakes the kindness of others for romantic interest. She was caught naked at a neighbor’s house with the neighbor’s husband the day after Christmas several years ago. The husband was completely intoxicated and claims he has no recollection. Michelle pretended to be neighborly and bring beer over to the married neighbor while his wife was at work. The neighbor has since moved and I believe their marriage has dissolved. The husband wanted nothing to do with Michelle and was so regretful and embarrassed he left the state for another job. She has two failed marriages of her own, two foreclosures, and more problems than any reasonable man would want to take on. She has a master’s degree in counseling (which thankfully she doesn’t use) and masquerades as a Christian. When confronted, she cowers, swears, insults, and pretends to be the victim. She is anything but an upstanding Christian citizen. She is currently working as a Norwex consultant in Moline, IL. Please don’t be fooled. This woman is not to be trusted with your friendship, your business, or your husband. Michelle also may go by Michelle Bailey or Michelle Woods.

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