Michelle Lorraine Krafjack

Staff Sergeant Michelle Lorraine Krafjack from Middlesex, New Jersey, is a lying, scheming, manipulating ,cheating individual.
Michelle is the true epitome of the basic Karen that we all see and hear on social media. I have witness her disgusting racist behavior on multiple occasions. Her haircut screams “Karen” the way she dresses, behaves and talk is gross.She has a huge eating disorders problem where she brags she looks like a 12 years old girl is alarming. She tends to throw up her food that she ate or starve herself. The way she smells reminds me of hot dog water and a wet mutt mixed together. She is very unattractive and stupid. She failed her first semester at a COMMUNITY COLLEGE. She looks down on people who attended college out of pure jealously. She loves to chase after married men that’s what she does in life is ruined families. She violated many laws under the United States Marine Corps. There have been speculations on inappropriate behavior between her and a few individuals that I feel uncomfortable even discussing but it is the truth. Michelle L. Krafjack is a sick individual that needs to be slapped many times even put out of the military.She use threats and violent behavior to try to intimidate others which is not how a Marine should be behaving. She slept her way to get where she is not through hard work.She is envious of women who have children because no one wants to procreate with this hideous beast. The truth of the matter is she is old, ugly and flat as a board with an ugly personality that no one wants to be with her. She is used trash and a walking mattress. A barracks hoe willing to sleep with anyone. Michelle Lorraine Krafjack is an embarrassment and a complete failure. Bye basic Karen.

3 thoughts on “Michelle Lorraine Krafjack

  1. Please call the Marine Corps Hotline at 800-273-8255, and speak to someone anonymously, if a Marine is behaving inappropriately. Let the Marine’s Commanding Officer deal with the problem. No fraternization and adultery is tolerated in the Corps.

  2. This woman, posting all this is obsessed. Clearly mentally unstable and obsessed. She’s been trashing me on websites for years. Hope you find peace.

    1. Michelle is a liar. She plays victim when she is the predator. No one is trashing you on websites. What is being written about you is the honest truth. Your a despicable human being. Your a middle-aged women behaving immaturely. This woman, Michelle, has issues with everyone and is desperate and delusional.

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