Michelle Folz — Hillsboro, Oregon

Michelle Folz is a, still legally married, wh**e. She refuses to divorce her husband because he makes a lot of money (supposedly), so instead she gets with anything that she believes can provide for her. I’ve been told she’s just waiting to divorce him after he makes a certain amount so she can get half. The real story is she sucks at monogamy and has cheated on pretty much every guy she has been with, mostly because she’s insecure about how she looks and how she’s not exactly model material. I do my best not to judge but after finding out that she was constantly flirting with my husband, that was the end of that. I thought she was a friend so I turned a blind eye to all of her low-self esteemed shenanigans, until it came into my personal life. Maybe that’s my karma for not saying anything. I’m not doing that again. If it can save someone else the heartache, then it’s worth it. Stay far away from her and keep your husbands even farther. I’m lucky that mine told me everything before it crossed a line, but others weren’t so lucky.

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