Michelle Colon — Windermere, Florida

I have been married to this man for 5 years. Have 2 children with him ages 3 and 7months. I have been either him through thick and thin. There were periods in our relationship both before marriage and after that we had nothing. I mean nothing, we were homeless and living in tents in the woods and in our car. This was NOT due to drugs, but the simple act of unkind people we put our trust in. My Husband was also my high school sweetheart and my first kiss. But life had other plans for us in our younger years. Anyways flash forward 11 years… My Husband has a PS4 and plays a lot of online gaming. One day I hear a female voice I ask him about it. Oh, it just some girl she is in a relationship with. Nothing to worry about it love you… Fast forward a few months he comes into our room drunk and crying “I’m sorry I’m so sorry please forgive me I messed up. Now there’s this thing with online game/***” Hello is too drunk for me to completely understand him so the following morning I ask what he was talking about here said he couldn’t remember. Well after he logged on to his game he comes and says “I’m sorry I was flirting that guy was complaining about her abusive boyfriend and how she was horns. So I flirted.” I don’t believe a word of it so I told him if he was to continue to game with her I wanted to see ALLISON forms of communication. Forward for 2 or 3 months. I wake up in the middle of the night to find my husband, not in bed I go to his game room sitting on our computer desk is his phone with some girl on video chat laying in bed. He is in the bathroom I confront him “ARE YOU CHEATING” he seems confused and walk into the room and closes the video chat on his phone I grab his phone off the desk and start going through it… right there on his screen is a picture of her booby and he said you’ll already saw my ***. And her convincing her under faulting love for him. How much she cares for him and doesn’t want to lose him. And how he is so funny smart and sexy. And giving him her cell number. I try to confront the girl she refuses to answer or respond to me. But messages my husband she is sorry for causing her trouble let and she is going to go kill her self…. Please honey as if…. Now my Husband is 100 at fault for this too. And now he is facing the end of a 5-year marriage and supervised visits with the kids.

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