Michelle Bissonnette — Lowell, Massachusetts

Let me introduce you to Michelle Pearson Viviano Bissonnette. Not only is she one of the most cunning, brazen, manipulative adulterers, she is a homewrecker in the truest sense of the word. The man in the photo is her current husband (my ex), and another of her witless, spineless victims. This evil woman systematically ousted all three of his disabled children from the house they shared in Townsend and his life, and completely alienated him from his family and friends. There is nothing that is off limits with her. She will turn on the charm, earn your trust, look you straight in the eyes, pretend to be your best friend, and all while she is carrying on with your husband/boyfriend. She has no empathy and only cares about getting what she wants. She is the textbook definition of a psychopath. Beware.

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