Michelle Archer — Bronx, New York

Now thats 1 thing I will never respect… a woman willingly knowing a man is married with children claiming she is no homewreker but insults my babies and myself. In my faith this is disgraceful. I even tried to be nice when she claimed to have a baby, should of known that was a lie. Who does that to a pregnant mother of 4? Well I’ve let her employers know the kinda being their dealing with. Not to mention she claims to have a man. I wonder if he would be ok with her sending another woman’s husband personal selfies. Dont worry Karma is definitely a comming it does not have to be from me …what goes around comes right back AROUND. *** knows what you are up too and its not working, THE SAD THING IS THAT HE STILL IS MARRIED. What a coward and still cant face me… so crawl back to whatever rock you climbed out of. Parasite; a being that feeds off of others. YOU HAVE A MAN OR SO YOU SAY… LEAVE MY HUSBAND ALONE !!!

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