Michael (Mike) Howard Davis — Cary, North Carolina

April of this year, I get a phone call out of the blue that will totally change how I view Michael (Mike) Davis, my father in law. My husband called me and told me, “Mike has been abusing mom for years. He just hurt her. She’s out of the house with nowhere to go.” My response, “You tell her to come here.” She had a police escort to their apartment to pack her bags and she put as much as she could in her car and came to my house. She left behind baby clothes from her grown children, photographs, memorabilia, her dog, Dolly, and more. She left the state, scared to death and running from her own home. The things I have learned about Mike and his relationship with Cyndi sadly do not surprise me.

When they lived with us, I told my husband several times that I thought he would physically hurt her. Never once did I think he would cheat on her in the many different ways that he has and continues to do. I have stayed out of their business. I have not contacted Mike or tried to get involved in any way. My husband and I have financially and emotionally supported Cyndi from the moment she got on the road to leave him. I have been a shoulder for Cyndi to cry on and I have helped her seek counseling and support from the local Family Abuse Center. I have heard her conversations with Mike. I have read their texts. I have read the many messages she keeps receiving from women on Facebook that has been in or is in a “relationship” with Mike. I have also read his conversations with those women as they send Cyndi proof. I have seen the videos of him masturbating to other women while he was in his marital bed. I have even had women contacting me asking me if my “parents” are divorced! I hit my limit today when Cyndi finally broke down and told me the details of his sexual abuse.

I am enraged, disgusted, and no longer silent. Mike is a liar. Lies fall off of his tongue with such ease that he should be an actor. He doesn’t have brain cancer, he never was in a truck wreck, he has a biological son that he is behind on child support payments for, and he is not an EMS or paramedic. He likes to tell the ladies that he is an EMS pilot or that he’s been shot three times. He will even send them pictures of him “working” that he downloads from the Internet. He’s on disability from his job at Granite Construction and can’t work. He told Cyndi that her dog died and then one of his girlfriends told her that the dog was alive and well at her place. Mike is an abuser. I have personally witnessed him verbally, mentally, and emotionally abuse Cyndi. Not only that, but he continues to try to control her through not giving her ANY money, not trying to help her with responsibilities like their vehicle (or even signing a POA so her car isn’t taken away from her), ignoring her requests for communication, and refusing to work with her on anything. Mike is incapable of being faithful.

Want proof? He’s in a documented relationship with a woman by the name of Destiny King, from Montgomery, PA, while still married. He hasn’t even filed for separation or divorce. Nor has he mentioned either one to his wife. He has abandoned his abused wife, kicked her out of their home without money after hurting her several ways, and now has moved on to anyone that will have him. Everything I have written is true. I have concrete proof of everything. I wasn’t around when Mike met Cyndi and started dating her, but I sure as **** wish that someone would have warned her that she should stay away from him. If you or anyone that you know is in any type of relationship with this man, Mike Davis from Cary, North Carolina, end it and run the other way.

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