Michael Ingram — Commerce, California

Mike Michael Ingram of 152 Ingram Rd Commerce GA has a problem with moral and ethical issues. This man is dangerous, involved in criminal behavior, can and does cause harm to himself and others by inflicting emotional and verbal abuse. De Mike Ingram has delusions of grandeur, and feels entitled to certain positions, people, and things. His beliefs and opinions are the absolute authority, and disregard the opinions of others. He is a con artist, kleptomaniacs and professional liar who can fabricate stories and make outlandish, untruthful statements, but are able to make these lies sound convincing. He’s concerned with his own interest and cant express love, always has several women on the side, ditching each as they realize his lies and deceit. He influences and dominates the people around them, jealous and revengeful feelings to anyone who crosses him. He steals to survive instead of working. He follows, tracks each of his girlfriends phones, cut them off from friends and family , has them in his total control. This man will destroy anything belonging to you if you attempt to break up with him, he’s a STALKER!! He has online dating site profiles presenting himself as a business owner, uses his family and kids to present himself as a good catch. He sleeps with several women at once with NO protection! Michael Ingram is disgusting, vindictive, man in Commerce Ga. He’s always looking for the next best thing.

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