Michael Edward Jones — Florida

I should have immediately recognized that this married man of 10yrs was some type of creep to leave a note in my mailbox to try to meet me. Leaving notes seems to be how he aims to recruit prey as he admitted he has done this before to another woman whose boyfriend found it instead. I asked this man about his marital status and he was evasive, defensive and menacing. He replied that he didnt hit women or argue. I was spooked by this comment. I was civil and respectful. I felt he was letting me know what was to come. I called him Black Friday and he didnt answer. Later, he left me a voicemail saying that he was with his FAMILY/kids and that he didnt want to come to my house or do anything stupid. This was a threat. I shouldnt be shocked. He did show me a video of bus driver uppercutting a woman. The violence against this woman was amusing to him. Interestingly, he begged me to watch a episode of Cheaters and likes Jerry Springer!!!! Drama and cheating, eh? My initial impression of him was that a man who fathers children by two different women doesnt plan, doesnt care about himself or others and certainly doesnt VALUE *** and women. I learned the hard way to trust my gut.

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