Michael E. Ford, MD — Sleepy Hollow, New York

I went to Ford because my insurance said he was closer to my other medical facilities 2. Initially, we became good friends, as I am a musician and a professor, and he wanted to be “cool” – in fact, I bought him Vodka for Christmas. Honestly, I’m sure he’s the type of guy that got picked on in school, so since I’m a rock guitarist, I tried to make him feel cool like me 3.

So I respected his mild-mannered demeanor and told him of my very horrible and damaging medical history, filled with abuse (including the worst kind for a child). Then my son was kidnapped (thank g*d we got him back). He seemed to be compassionate in understanding my family had victimized me early and only started therapy three months before meeting Ford 4.

The family members responsible for the abuse and cover-up of my childhood abuse found out Ford was my PCP and told him I had a shotgun and was on a drug-fueled rampage that Ford gave me 5 instead of calling me right away, as is law, he actually listened to my abusers without even knowing or asking who or why they were doing this.

He had me put in jail for 10 days – where I was observed to find nothing wrong besides my diagnosis of PTSD, which they all were aware of 6 after being released, I confronted Ford several times, asking him, “how could you have me arrested based on the false narrative of the same people I told you abused me for over ten years?” And “how could you violate NYS law, hippa ethics, and they do not harm Hippocratic oath?” –

but he sheepishly just stared blankly from under his mask and ridiculous beard 7 finally, when I insisted and demanded he tell me how and why I was arrested on his watch, and yet he did not call my MHA team or my psychiatrist- he just sat back and let me rot in jail for 10 days on false charges that were dropped and the file sealed So be aware, this man is a wimpy duplicitous coward who can’t act like a real man or make proper decisions or judgment in a tough spot.

I assure you, this is not the ranting of a disgruntled ex-patient – this is a warning that if you ever need Ford to respond tough in a tough spot, you got the wrong Dr….he’s for cuts, scrapes, and flu shots, But as a man, and consequentially as a Dr who can make life-altering decisions for his patient, Ford is unqualified – he will buckle at the knees and panic in fear, so he was right that I don’t trust his judgment – especially when he was admitting he was scared of what my (rich) family has threatened him with their influence and power – as I said, he faltered and his exactly what a dr shouldn’t be.

I would sue him for malpractice, but the case and trouble wouldn’t be worth the small outcome as it was a 10-day stay, but he is a fortunate man. Did you get me, Mike? You stole Father’s Day from me like it was a joke, asking, “when was the last time you worked?” As if it were relevant….the answer is over a year ago when Covid didn’t shut down schools, but as I said, stay away from spineless doctors who put malpractice before the interest of their patient

I’ll elucidate anything If anyone replies, as I literally lost my freedom, and 10 days without my son (who was kidnapped in 2018 and was reunited in 2019) and still on Father’s Day, dr Ford listened to these family abusers benefit of the doubt. Because he prescribed me Dexedrine, they said they would go after him for medicating me incorrectly, and their $200,000 car and Armani clothes scared little old Mike.

You punk! You so lucky I’m not going to do anything to or about you.

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