Michael Baca — Aurora, Colorado

Was Married 5 years, together for 12 one son together. Cheated on me 4 months after my son was born . Found him and some nasty tweeker ***** in my apartment I was paying for. Cheated on me constantly with nothing but dope whores. Last straw was I found him and his brother’s tweeker girlfriend in bed in the house we bought together. She claimed he knocked her up but DNA test came back it was her other baby daddy. Karma lol He’s constantly manipulating people, in and out of jail, hooked on meth and heroin. This woman beater and deadbeat dad disowned his own son and chose to walk out of his son’s life for drugs. Now he wants to ***** that he doesn’t get to see his son and wonders why his son hates him. Hasn’t helped or paid a dime. Has a daughter from a previous relationship he never took care of either and blamed it all his daughter’s mother. Bad enough he has two kids he was never there for, now he’s expecting twins he won’t take care of either with his drug addict girlfriend . I hope she likes doing it all by herself. Didn’t learn from the first two baby mamas he has? Lol seriously what kind of idiot has kids with someone who doesn’t take care of the two kids he already has? Also beats his current girlfriend and mother of his future children . Likes to sleep with family and friend’s girlfriends. Also wants to live in his mommy’s basement for the rest of his life. He’s a real winner ladies…Watch out who knows how many diseases this piece of **** has.

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