Miami Valley Career Technology Center — Liars

I had two days of clinicals left of my Medical Assisting Program and my clinical site checked my temperature. It was only 99.6 but they told me to get out of their building immediately and my instructor, ****, told me I could not come back until I had a negative covid-19 test result. By the time the results were back, them two days were over and the class was finished with clinicals. So everything was completely out of my hands. I went back to school the next week, we did our certification exam.. I printed the results and the teacher immediately snatched them out of my hands and sent me into her supervisors office where they both were going off on me about missing them two days. Told me I will be making them up right away and they would hold my certification until then so I couldn’t get a job. I passed all of my classes, I passed my CMA certification exam and I also have where they put “passed” above all of my classes. During this time I had already received a full time job offer as a CMA and I told them I could only make up those clinicals on the weekend due to me having 3 kids, no babysitter and my fiancé working an opposite shift so we can take the kids when the other one works. They said weekends will not work for them. That I was a liar and just trying to do “whatever I wanted”. They assigned a 5-7 page report on my personal experience of clinicals, I did exactly what they asked, turned it in and they said they wouldn’t accept it because I am “disrespectful “. When I just honestly stated my experience. So they said they were going to hold my certification and mark me as incomplete for the program. I also signed a paper on the first day of school stating I would only be available Monday-Thursday 8:30-3pm for school until the 25th of August. The days to make up would be after.Also, the paper I signed on the first day of school stated that I agreed to be available Monday-Friday until the 25th of August. They were wanting me to make those days up after that date.

Miami Valley Career Technology Center
6800 Hoke Rd.
Englewood, OH 45315
(937) 837-7781

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