Mia Davies — Chilliwack, Canada

This here is Mia Davies, sure, she looks like someone that you would want to be friends with but, she gets passed around more than the football at Superbowl Sunday. The best part of this, she’s a floozy. She sleeps with anyone and everyone. She works from home or your home. She doesn’t care that her children are in the house. There’s a new guy there almost every day of the week. All of which are random men she meets on the internet. With this virus going around you would think a mother would be more careful about what or who she brings into the house, not her, with legs wide open. Her house is disgusting, with moldy food, piles of dishes, month-old dirty diapers piled in the corner, cat **** beside the toilet. She’s very unhygienic, her children constantly sit in dirty diapers, ****** soaked clothing, and are left in their rooms all day. She might get up to deal with them if her alcoholic *** can manage to get out of bed to deal with them. She’s a compulsive liar of the worst degree. You can find her on whatsyourprice.com seeking.com secret benefits.com all under the names Rhianne97. She doesn’t even need the money, she just does it to boost her ego and low self-esteem. Just in the last year, she’s topped above 100. She’s an improved liar. She will come up with something so quickly on the spot you’d think she was telling the truth but don’t be fooled. Apparently, though she’s really close with her family. A disgusting alcoholic, ***-addicted, sleazy cheap store. Oh, watch out for the “with my luck this will be one of those nights I don’t remember anything tomorrow” She’s just waiting to catch someone on a rape charge. Don’t trust this ***. She will tell you she’s in love with you the first week or two in. She’s just greasy, she likes to *** her sister. What a basket case she is. Hopefully, child services give those children a better life than what they have now.

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