Meta — Adds

Why does Meta bombard me with ads, which have nothing to do with my interest? They have all the information about me as they collect it all, yet they relentlessly bombard me with stuff, which has nothing to do with my interests. Either it is a bunch dull idiots working there or they are saying they want me out and not using their app. It is not difficult to distinguish between my interests and a occasional curiosity. I do not want to stop adds, if they really relate to what interests me. But that is not consent to have may page flooded by B.S., which has nothing to do with me. And more over, if I select delete, it stays on and the choices for the reason for which I want to delete ere incomplete and very limited…..It is like working with monkeys! I do not want to modify the preferences, because many time the choices are limited and incomplete. It is responsibility of Meta, since they know everything about me. They should be able to distinguish what I like or what interests me versus us B.S. advertisement of unrelated subjects….GEEZ! If it is not obvious from my letter, than I am at loss! But if I need to specify it one more time, then: DO NOT BOMBARD ME WITH B.S. ADDS AND STUFF WHICH DOESN’T INTEREST ME. OCCASIONAL CURIOSITY BY CLICKING ON SOMETHING, DOES NOT CONSTITUTE INTEREST! And as far as next question about how would I currently rate my experience with Meta…not enough choices (as usual)…I would want to give it NO STARS at all! Because one star is too much, after ******* me off they way they do!

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