Mercedes Smith — Ontario, Canada

his girl Mercedes Smith has serious issues. She lied and falsified a supposed affair she had with my husband. I saw the fake texts she sent including telling me she met his mom, who confirmed she’s never met her in her life. Another friend of hers I contacted to get to the bottom of things said that she lies about being with men all the time, including trying to destroy her ex-boyfriend’s relationship. I saw another guy we knew in common on her IG and SURPRISE SURPRISE he said paid her to fuxk. After that, she fuked his friend and he got stds. She’s a cam girl too. 19 and ger only goal is to *** and cause havoc. Bitxhes like you get stabbed in the street. This girl has no class… even talking to her over the message she changed the text name several. times to make her story look true. What kind of sadistic sad pathetic worm of a weak *** woman will try to break up relationships when the man doesn’t even want you. Mercedes, clean up your life. Get therapy for the rape you went through and don’t make monsters out of men who are taking care of their home. I didn’t get played u dumb hoe, you did. And now everyone will know what kinda ***** you are. 100$ FOR THE NIGHT INCLUDING TIP. ****, BAREBACK BLOW JOBS, AND RAW DOG *** ARE HER SPECIALITIES. SHE LIKES TAKING BLACK **** SO ALL YOU PIMPS OUT THERE GET HER WHEN U CAN

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