Mercari — Missing Item and Staff Indifference Ineptitude

Case m85550753110 Brian, a staff member at Mercari, decided that because an item I ordered was marked as delivered that I, therefore, received the package, or the package was delivered and a porch pirate grabbed it; those were the only options he would consider. All I know is that I don’t have the item, we were home all day, my wife works from home during the day. No trucks from Fed-Ex stopped in front of our house on the day of supposed delivery. I followed your laid-out process of contacting Mercari immediately when I saw that the item was marked delivered (no product in my hands). It says if there is an issue don’t rate the seller contact us instead. I did both of those things. Brian responded and says but it shows it was delivered. I said and I’m telling you I didn’t receive anything. He then said very condescendingly that I should change where my parcels are delivered to a more secure location. I do most of my ordering online through Amazon and I use the Key feature with my garage door so that the packages dropped off are inside of my garage. Mercari currently does not offer this service. I have lived in my home for more than 12 years and have never had a package go missing from any carrier. I get deliveries here from all major delivery services with no problem. I live on a street shaped like a horseshoe so the only reason cars come on my road is because they live here, know someone here, or we get some school traffic at the beginning of the year until they figure out the road doesn’t go anywhere. There is any number of things that could have resulted in the package being marked as delivered when it wasn’t. The driver could have inadvertently picked up another package at a previous stop that day and marked it as delivered. The driver could have gotten to the end of their route, checked, and realized there was one more to go but no package to deliver so marked it as delivered to avoid getting into trouble. The package could have been delivered to someone else because the house numbers were transposed. Again Brian couldn’t be bothered to actually check and see what happened (like see if there was a photo taken of the delivery) he just made a unilateral decision and provided neutral feedback for both the seller and me. That isn’t fair to either of us. Brian also closed out the case m85550753110, and didn’t care what I had to say by ignoring information I provided in two subsequent messages. The way he handled this case tells me that Mercari obviously doesn’t care about the buyer. If you have an “off script” issue the decision won’t be settled in your favor. I don’t believe that the seller didn’t do anything wrong and neither did, but we are both being punished for it because your employee can’t be bothered to do what’s right. I sent another email (Wednesday, October 20, 2021–still waiting for a response on that one) in response to Brian’s obvious corporate wording “ While I know this transaction did not end as expected, I want to make sure we’ve resolved all your concerns; is there anything else I can assist you with?” “While I know…” Strike one. “I want to…” Strike two. “Is there anything…” Strike three. You’re out! None of those corporate standards were met in this case. I would hope that Mercari actually believes in those standards. I would much rather give the seller positive feedback and I’d be willing to bet he’d do the same for me. Please do the right thing by both of us. I still need to get the product and both of us deserve better ratings than neutral. I would like to see that there is the actual effort put forward and realize that not every case fits in the same box. There must be a team that reviews oddities. Brian should receive additional training and sensitivity training (tact) might be good too. All this could be covered by “additional coaching”. I would like to be kept in the loop, please.

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