Melissa McBurney — Pennsylvania

Here is my last attempt to get this garbage to own her part in the nightmare my children and I are now in. It is graphic, disgusting and 100% accurate representation of this *****’s selfishness. This is to try and get out the poison that has accumulated in my soul ever since you decided to try and destroy my marriage and family. My husband and I have so much to work through. So much deception and hurt to face head on. But that’s what we’re doing. That’s what real love does. The **** and disrespect that the two of you had is over, BUT the consequences are just beginning. So you claim the ridiculous notion that a blade of grass is a beautiful life? Yet, you disregarded the lives of my daughters, myself and my husband! You shamelessly pursued my husband without regret. Among all the other vile things you are, you’re a shameless hypocrite. You realize that you are a joke? No self respecting woman would ever do what you’ve done. You let my husband **** you everywhere without protection. DISGUSTING. There is seriously something wrong with you. You took pictures?!?!?! Pictures of MY husband and you having ***. You’re a ***** Melissa. No morals. No self respect. No integrity. How did you think that would play out? Did you really think my husband wouldn’t tell me every shameful, disrespectful, dirty, disgusting detail? Did you really believe him when he said he loved you? You were a regret. A line crossed at a vulnerable time. You were in some bizarre fantasy. Lol. You seriously thought my husband would not come back to me and his family? He has some serious issues he is working through. You were a distraction. You stroked his ego. You allowed your every opening to be a dumpster for his sickness. You willingly bent over for him. Let yourself be hidden like the shameful ***-stained sock you are. You let a married man **** you just because he knew you were lowlife trash. All because he didn’t feel worthy of his wife. How can a woman be that disgusting and lack that much integrity? I realize that these words seem harsh and hurtful. That’s what happens when truth is proclaimed in the presence of diseased depravity. I know from therapy and the amazing support of my family and friends and my husband that you are nothing. My focus can’t be on you. You and I aren’t comparable. So I am more confident in my worth now more than ever. I have never done what you so easily did. I’ve led my life with purpose, honor, strength, and kindness. What have you done? I’ve lost many loved ones, survived many things that would destroy the likes of you. You have no life experience. No responsibility. No conscience. Are you a product of horrific parenting? Or are you just evil despite a loving family home? Lol. Whatever it is, I’ve reached out to your parents to inform them that they have such a disgusting lowlife ***** for a daughter. I don’t think that there is any hope for someone like you to have a moment of clarity to realize how sh1tty you are. You’ll never turn from who you truly are. I couldn’t care less. Reap what you sow. The absolute heartbreaking truth of that isn’t about you though. It’s the fact that you’ll spread this disease, this venom to another then another then another. That’s what’s sad. I praise *** that my husband and I have been given a chance to heal from this nightmare. We will continue to process this and move forward in love and faith. We will raise our daughters together. We are building a new stronger life together. And we will dance in celebration every wedding anniversary knowing we didn’t let some inconsequential trash dumpster destroy what is meant to be. DE, I will no longer let you into my thoughts. I’ll not try to communicate with you again. Not for you. But for me and my husband. (It makes him sick.) You disgust him. Now that the smoke has cleared and he sees with his own eyes, he is the man that I’ve loved for twelve years again. I’m the woman that he has never stopped loving. Go on with your life knowing you aren’t worth another second of our time. Melissa S. McBurney may you burn in ****.

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