Melissa Baker — Dayton, Ohio

Well, here is my story about my Dirty Ex…Melissa Baker is the type of person when she lies you believe it. She is so convincing when she lies. Melissa is a trouble maker she gets an SSI disability check for every month and food stamps from the government. She calls the police to try to have you arrested by lying to the cops. She will try to get you hurt or even killed. She told few guys that she was cheating with and having *** with that her boyfriend at home beats on her and rapes her and takes all her money. BIG LIAR, She is very dirty you should take a look at how she lives place stays at. She puts her ****** pantys on the floor there for weeks and ****** pads on the floor for weeks never washes dishes. She is a thief also. Each time she gets a new boyfriend she tells people that she is getting married and she is pregnant. She can’t get pregnant trust me. Her own father knows how she is, one time her father told her to stop lying. A lot of people feel sorry for her. don’t let this woman fool you she is evil

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