Melany Nickerson — San Diego, California

I have been with my man for 10-11years now and we have 3 kids together and i love him more then life itself i would die with out him then this girl pops in well i have known that something was wrong but he told me i was nuts well i finally went though his phone and found out he cheated on me and she told him shee was pregnant well ill tell u if De she is sleeping with my man i sure she is with others too what bothers me the most is that she knows he is mine and we have kids so she new she was messing a family up and it hurts bad to know that at any point he could come home and not want us any more he said he is not sure if he wants me with his 3 kids that he knows are his or with this ***** that who knows whose kid it is and i my little girl her daddy is her fav and now every time she talks to me she cry’s and it hurts that i cant make his want us im lost and so r they that girl crushed owner home and owner family.

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